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Are you tired of using vegetable oil in your brownie recipes and looking for healthier or flavorful alternatives? Look no further! In this article, we will explore various substitutes for vegetable oil in brownies that are not only delicious but also offer added health benefits.

From butter and applesauce to avocado and Greek yogurt, we’ll cover all your options and provide tips for achieving the best results with each alternative. We’ll also explore different cooking oils that can be used in place of vegetable oil.

Whether you’re looking to reduce your intake of vegetable oil or simply want to experiment with new flavors and textures, this article has got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover the many alternatives to vegetable oil in brownies!

what can you use instead of vegetable oil in brownies

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • There are many alternatives to vegetable oil that can be used in brownie recipes.
  • Substitutes like butter, applesauce, and avocado offer unique flavors and added health benefits.
  • Using different cooking oils can also enhance the taste and texture of your brownies.
  • Experiment with different options to find the oil substitute that best suits your preferences and dietary needs.
  • With these alternatives to vegetable oil, you can enjoy delicious and healthier brownies without sacrificing taste or texture.

Butter as an Alternative to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

If you’re looking for a flavorful alternative to vegetable oil in your brownie recipes, butter may be the perfect substitute. Not only does it provide rich taste and texture, but it also has a number of benefits for your health.

When using butter as a substitute for vegetable oil in brownies, it is important to keep the ratio in mind. Typically, you can use a 1:1 ratio of butter to vegetable oil, but you may want to adjust the amount based on your desired texture and consistency.

Tip: For a fudgier texture, use a higher ratio of butter. For a more cake-like consistency, use a lower ratio of butter.

Butter is a natural and healthy substitute for vegetable oil in brownies due to its high content of vitamins A and D. Additionally, it contains healthy fatty acids that can promote heart health and reduce inflammation.

Note: It is important to use unsalted butter in your brownie recipe to avoid adding excess sodium to your diet.

Butter vs. Vegetable Oil in Brownies Butter Vegetable Oil
Taste Rich and flavorful Mild and neutral
Texture Fudgier and denser Lighter and fluffier
Health Benefits Contains Vitamins A and D, and healthy fatty acids Minimal nutritional value

Overall, using butter as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies can add a rich and healthy twist to your favorite dessert. Try experimenting with different ratios to find your perfect balance of taste and texture.

Applesauce as an Alternative to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

When it comes to baking brownies, vegetable oil is a popular ingredient used to achieve moist and fudgy results. However, this oil is high in calories and may not be suitable for people with specific dietary requirements. But fear not, as there are healthy substitutes for vegetable oil in brownies, such as applesauce.

Applesauce is a delicious and nutritious alternative to vegetable oil in brownies. It is low in calories and fat, making it an optimal choice for those looking to reduce their intake of unhealthy oils. Additionally, its natural sweetness can enhance the flavor of your brownies.

When using applesauce as a substitute for vegetable oil in brownie recipes, it is recommended to replace it in an equal measure. For instance, if your recipe requires 1 cup of vegetable oil, use 1 cup of applesauce instead. You may also need to reduce the amount of sugar in your recipe because applesauce is naturally sweet.

Ingredient Vegetable Oil Applesauce
Calories (per 100g) 884 71
Fat (per 100g) 100g 0.3g
Sugar (per 100g) 0g 10g

As seen in the table above, using applesauce instead of vegetable oil dramatically reduces the calorie and fat content of your brownies without compromising taste. This makes it an ideal option for those who are health-conscious, but also want a delicious indulgence.

Tip: When using applesauce in your brownies, choose unsweetened applesauce to avoid adding unnecessary sugar to your recipe.


Applesauce is an excellent alternative to vegetable oil in brownie recipes, offering a healthier option that is equally delicious. Its low-fat and low-calorie content makes it a popular choice among health-conscious individuals, while its natural sweetness enhances the flavor of your brownies. Try using applesauce in your next brownie recipe for a healthier and tasty treat!

Avocado as an Alternative to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

Avocado is a unique and nutritious alternative to vegetable oil in brownies that also adds a rich and creamy texture. While it may seem unconventional, avocado is an excellent substitute that does not compromise the flavor or texture of your brownies.

To use avocado as a substitute, start by scooping out the flesh of a ripe avocado and mashing it until it becomes smooth. Use approximately half a cup of mashed avocado for each cup of vegetable oil that your recipe calls for. The avocado’s natural oils make it an excellent replacement for the oil, and its mild flavor does not interfere with the taste of your brownies. This substitution will result in moister and richer brownies that are also lower in saturated fats than traditional recipes.

One of the advantages of using avocado is its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are known to reduce the risk of heart diseases. Avocado also possesses several health benefits, including promoting healthy skin, reducing inflammation, and aiding in digestion. Additionally, it is an excellent source of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that can protect against cell damage and help maintain healthy skin and eyes.

Here’s a table that demonstrates the nutritional difference between vegetable oil and avocado:

Vegetable Oil (1 cup) Avocado (1 cup mashed)
Calories 1927 384
Fat (g) 218 34
Saturated Fat (g) 16 5
Monounsaturated Fat (g) 132 21
Polyunsaturated Fat (g) 48 5

While avocado is a fantastic substitute for vegetable oil, it may not be the best option if you’re looking for crispy brownies. Avocado naturally adds moisture to the recipe, resulting in softer and fudgier brownies. If you prefer a firmer and crispier texture, consider using butter or coconut oil instead.

When using avocado as a substitute, it’s essential to mix it thoroughly with other ingredients to avoid clumps of avocado in the batter. You can also use an immersion blender or food processor to achieve a smoother consistency.

Try this avocado brownie recipe for a delicious and healthy twist on traditional chocolate brownies:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C.)
  2. Grease an 8-inch (20-cm) baking dish with cooking spray and set aside.
  3. Melt 1 cup of dark chocolate chips in a double boiler until smooth.
  4. In a separate bowl, mash 2 ripe avocados until smooth.
  5. Add 3/4 cup of brown sugar, 2 eggs, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract to the mashed avocado and mix until combined.
  6. Add the melted chocolate to the avocado mixture and mix until combined.
  7. Add 1/2 cup of flour, 1/4 cup of cocoa powder, and a pinch of salt to the mixture and stir until smooth.
  8. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking dish and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  9. Let the brownies cool for at least 10 minutes before serving.

Avocado is a fantastic substitute for vegetable oil in brownies, providing a healthy and flavorful alternative that adds rich and creamy texture to your baked goods.

Greek Yogurt as an Alternative to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

For those who are looking for a healthier substitute for vegetable oil in brownie recipes, Greek yogurt is an excellent choice. It is creamy, low in fat, high in protein, and adds a tangy taste to your brownies that perfectly complements their rich chocolate flavor. Here are some tips on using Greek yogurt as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies.

How to Use Greek Yogurt as an Alternative to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

To substitute Greek yogurt for vegetable oil in your brownie recipe, use an equal amount of Greek yogurt as you would vegetable oil. For example, if the recipe calls for 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, use 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt instead.

Greek yogurt is a thick and creamy ingredient, so it will add moisture to your brownies and keep them from drying out. It is recommended to use plain Greek yogurt, as the flavored varieties may interfere with the taste of the brownies.

Advantages of Using Greek Yogurt in Brownies

Greek yogurt is a healthier alternative to vegetable oil in brownies. It is lower in fat and calories, higher in protein, and contains probiotics that are beneficial to gut health.

In addition, Greek yogurt adds a creamy texture and a tangy flavor to your brownies that perfectly complements their rich chocolate taste.

Tips for Achieving Moist and Delicious Brownies using Greek Yogurt

  • Use plain Greek yogurt for the best flavor and texture.
  • Make sure to measure the Greek yogurt accurately to achieve the correct balance of wet and dry ingredients.
  • Adjust the baking time accordingly, as Greek yogurt may require less cooking time than vegetable oil.
  • Add some fresh fruit, nuts, or chocolate chips to your brownie batter to enhance the flavor and texture.

With Greek yogurt as an alternative to vegetable oil, you can enjoy moist and delicious brownies without sacrificing taste or healthiness. Try it out and experience the goodness of this creamy ingredient in your next batch of brownies.

what can you use instead of vegetable oil in brownies

Coconut Oil as an Alternative to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

Coconut oil is a popular and healthy option when it comes to baking brownies. It is a plant-based oil that is high in fat and can add a unique flavor and texture to your brownie recipe. It is considered as one of the best oils for baking brownies.

When using coconut oil in your recipe, it’s essential to know that it solidifies at room temperature. Therefore, you may need to melt it before adding it to your brownie mix.

Using coconut oil as a substitute for vegetable oil has many health benefits. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that are easier to digest than long-chain fatty acids found in vegetable oil. These fatty acids can also help increase your metabolism and boost your energy levels. It has been observed that using coconut oil in brownies can make them rich and moist too.

Advantages of coconut oil as a substitute for vegetable oil in brownie recipes Disadvantages of coconut oil as a substitute for vegetable oil in brownie recipes
High in healthy saturated fats that can boost your metabolism Some people may not enjoy the distinct coconut flavor it adds to the baked goods
Makes brownies moist and rich May need to be melted before adding to the recipe, which can be time-consuming
Plant-based and a healthier alternative to vegetable oil May solidify at room temperature and affect the texture of the baked goods

As with any alternative to vegetable oil, it’s essential to experiment with the amount of coconut oil you use in your recipe. Too little or too much can affect the texture and flavor of the brownies. Generally, you can use coconut oil in the same amount as the vegetable oil the recipe calls for.

Overall, coconut oil is a fantastic and healthy option when it comes to baking brownies. It adds a unique flavor and texture to your baked goods and can be a great alternative to vegetable oil.

Olive Oil as an Alternative to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

When it comes to baking brownies, olive oil is a great alternative to vegetable oil. Not only is it a healthier option, but it also adds a unique flavor to your brownies. Olive oil is full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

The best olive oils for baking brownies are those with a mild, fruity flavor. Extra-virgin olive oil is a great choice, but make sure to choose one with a low acidity level to avoid a bitter taste.

To use olive oil as a substitute for vegetable oil in your brownie recipes, simply use the same amount of oil as the recipe calls for. When mixing the ingredients, be sure to whisk the olive oil with the sugar and eggs thoroughly to ensure the oil is evenly distributed throughout the batter.

The benefits of using olive oil as a substitute for vegetable oil in brownie recipes are numerous. Olive oil is packed with antioxidants, which can help fight inflammation and prevent chronic diseases. Additionally, olive oil has been shown to improve brain function and protect against cognitive decline.

Below is a table that compares the nutritional value of vegetable oil and olive oil:

Oil Calories per tablespoon Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Monounsaturated Fat (g) Polyunsaturated Fat (g)
Vegetable Oil 120 14 2 8 4
Olive Oil 120 14 2 10 2

As you can see from the table, olive oil has slightly more monounsaturated fat and slightly less polyunsaturated fat than vegetable oil.

Overall, olive oil is an excellent substitute for vegetable oil in brownie recipes. It’s a healthy option that offers a unique flavor and numerous health benefits.

Canola Oil as an Alternative to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

Canola oil is a popular choice for baking, and it can be used as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownie recipes. In fact, it is one of the best oils for baking brownies. Canola oil is low in saturated fats and high in monounsaturated fats, which makes it a healthier option compared to vegetable oil.

When using canola oil as a substitute for vegetable oil in brownies, it is important to consider the quantity. You can replace vegetable oil with an equal amount of canola oil, but you may need to adjust the recipe slightly to achieve the desired consistency. Canola oil is a lighter oil than vegetable oil, so you may want to add additional flour or reduce the amount of liquid to balance the texture of the brownies.

Besides its health benefits and versatility, canola oil has a neutral taste and aroma. This makes it ideal for baking brownies if you want to maintain the original flavor and taste without any added flavors or scents.

Oil Calories per tablespoon Fat content per tablespoon
Canola oil 124 14 grams
Vegetable oil 120 14 grams

The above table shows a comparison between the calorie and fat content of canola oil and vegetable oil. Although the two types of oil contain the same amount of fat, canola oil has a higher calorie content, but it is still a healthier option as it is lower in saturated fat.

Overall, canola oil is an excellent substitute for vegetable oil in brownies. It is a healthy oil for brownie recipes and has a neutral taste and aroma. Give it a try in your next baking session and enjoy the delicious results.

Other Cooking Oils as Alternatives to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

Aside from the oils we’ve already discussed, there are several other cooking oils that can be used as substitutes for vegetable oil in brownie recipes. These oils offer unique flavors, textures, and health benefits, making them a great option for those looking to experiment with new ingredients. Let’s take a look at some of the best oils for baking brownies:

Oil Flavor Profile Health Benefits
Coconut Oil Sweet, nutty flavor Contains medium-chain triglycerides that can boost metabolism and support heart health
Olive Oil Herbaceous, fruity flavor Rich in healthy monounsaturated fats that can lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation
Canola Oil Mild, neutral flavor Low in saturated fat and high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids
Avocado Oil Buttery, rich flavor High in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants that can promote healthy aging and reduce inflammation

These oils can be used interchangeably in brownie recipes, depending on your personal preferences and dietary needs. For example, if you’re looking for a more neutral flavor, you could use canola oil or coconut oil. If you prefer a richer, buttery taste, try using avocado oil. If you want to add a touch of herbaceousness to your brownies, olive oil is a great choice.

Remember, when selecting an oil for your brownie recipe, it’s important to choose a high-quality oil that is fresh and minimally processed. Look for oils that are labeled as “cold-pressed” or “extra virgin” to ensure that they retain their natural flavor and nutritional benefits.

Using these cooking oil alternatives for brownies can elevate your baking game and provide a healthier twist to your favorite treats. Give them a try and see which oil works best for you!

what can you use instead of vegetable oil in brownies

Tips for Using Oil Substitutes in Brownie Recipes

If you’re looking to replace vegetable oil in your brownie recipes with natural substitutes, there are few things you should keep in mind to get the best results. Here are some tips for using oil substitutes in brownie recipes:

Avoid Overmixing

When using oil substitutes in brownie recipes, avoid overmixing the batter. Overmixing can result in tough and dry brownies. Mix until your ingredients are just combined, and then stop.

Adjust the Amount of Substitutes

The amount of oil substitute that you use in your brownie recipe will depend on the specific substitute you choose. Avocado and Greek yogurt, for example, are more dense than vegetable oil. As such, you will need to use a smaller amount of these substitutes to achieve the same results.

Experiment with Ratios

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ratios of oil substitutes to find the perfect one for your taste. You can start with a 1:1 ratio and then adjust as necessary.

Be Mindful of Flavors

Keep in mind that different oil substitutes will have different flavors. Applesauce and coconut oil, for example, will add sweetness, while olive oil will have a distinct flavor. Consider how the substitute will affect the overall flavor of your brownies and adjust your recipe accordingly.

Use Quality Ingredients

The quality of your ingredients can make a big difference in the outcome of your brownies. Use high-quality substitutes, such as organic applesauce or extra-virgin olive oil, for best results.

Consider Texture

Some oil substitutes may change the texture of your brownies. Greek yogurt and applesauce, for example, will add moisture, resulting in a more cake-like texture. Avocado oil, on the other hand, will make them denser and fudgier. Consider how the substitute will affect the texture of your brownies and adjust accordingly.

Be Patient

Baking with oil substitutes may require a bit of patience, experimentation, and trial and error. Don’t get discouraged if your first attempt doesn’t turn out perfectly. Keep trying different substitutes until you find the one that works best for you.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to baking delicious brownies using natural substitutes for vegetable oil.

Healthy and Rich Brownie Recipes Using Oil Substitutes

Brownies are a classic dessert loved by many. But did you know that you can make them even healthier by using oil substitutes instead of vegetable oil? Not only do these alternatives contribute to the flavor and texture of your brownies, but they also offer several health benefits.

Here are some healthy and rich brownie recipes that use oil substitutes:

Avocado Brownies

Avocado is a great alternative to vegetable oil, and it provides several health benefits such as being high in healthy fats and fiber. Try this recipe for avocado brownies:

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup applesauce
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Greek Yogurt Brownies

Greek yogurt is a protein-rich and tangy substitute for vegetable oil. Try this recipe for Greek yogurt brownies:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Coconut Oil Brownies

Coconut oil is a popular choice for baking and produces moist and flavorful brownies. Try this recipe for coconut oil brownies:

  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt

These are just a few examples of the many delicious brownie recipes that use oil substitutes. Try them out and see how they can enhance the flavor and nutrition of your homemade brownies.

By using healthy substitutes for vegetable oil in brownies, you can feel good about indulging in this classic dessert while maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet.


In conclusion, there are several alternatives to vegetable oil that can be used in brownie recipes. Whether you are looking for healthier options or want to experiment with different flavors and textures, there are several substitutes to choose from.

You can use butter as a flavorful substitute or applesauce as a healthy and natural option. Avocado is unique and nutritious, while Greek yogurt is creamy and delicious. Coconut oil, olive oil, canola oil, and other cooking oils are versatile and offer a range of benefits.

Experiment with different options and find the oil substitute that best suits your preferences and dietary needs. Remember to follow the recommended guidelines and tips for using oil substitutes in brownie recipes.

Tips for Using Oil Substitutes in Brownie Recipes

When using oil substitutes in brownie recipes, keep these tips in mind:

  • When using butter as a substitute, make sure it is softened to room temperature for easier mixing.
  • When using applesauce as a substitute, reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe since applesauce adds sweetness.
  • When using avocado as a substitute, make sure it is ripe and mashed thoroughly for a smooth texture.
  • When using Greek yogurt as a substitute, choose a full-fat variety for a richer taste and creamier texture.
  • When using coconut oil as a substitute, make sure it is melted before measuring and using it in the recipe.
  • When using olive oil as a substitute, choose a high-quality extra virgin variety for the best flavor.
  • When using canola oil as a substitute, make sure it is a neutral-tasting oil that won’t overpower the other flavors in the recipe.
  • Experiment with other cooking oils like sunflower, grapeseed, or sesame oil to find your preferred taste and texture.

Healthy and Rich Brownie Recipes Using Oil Substitutes

Try these delicious and healthier brownie recipes using oil substitutes:

  • Butter Brownies with Dark Chocolate Chips
  • Applesauce Brownies with Walnuts
  • Avocado Brownies with Sea Salt Caramel Drizzle
  • Greek Yogurt Brownies with Raspberry Swirl
  • Coconut Oil Brownies with Espresso Glaze
  • Olive Oil Brownies with Orange Zest
  • Canola Oil Brownies with Peanut Butter Swirl

These recipes showcase the versatility of using oil substitutes in brownies and how they can contribute to the overall flavor and texture of your baked treats.

Enjoy the journey of baking delicious and satisfying brownies without using vegetable oil. Happy Baking!


What can you use instead of vegetable oil in brownies?

There are several alternatives to vegetable oil that can be used in brownies, including butter, applesauce, avocado, Greek yogurt, coconut oil, olive oil, canola oil, and other cooking oils.

What are the benefits of using butter as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

Butter is a popular and flavorful substitute for vegetable oil in brownie recipes. It adds richness and a distinct taste to the brownies.

How do you use butter as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

To use butter as a substitute, melt it and use it in the same quantity as the vegetable oil called for in the recipe.

What are the benefits of using applesauce as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

Applesauce is a healthy and natural substitute for vegetable oil in brownies. It adds moisture to the brownies and can make them more tender.

How do you use applesauce as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

To use applesauce as a substitute, replace the vegetable oil with an equal amount of applesauce. You may need to adjust the recipe slightly to compensate for the added moisture.

What are the benefits of using avocado as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

Avocado is a unique and nutritious alternative to vegetable oil in brownies. It adds creaminess and a subtle flavor to the brownies.

How do you use avocado as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

To use avocado as a substitute, puree a ripe avocado and use it in place of the vegetable oil in the recipe. Adjust the recipe as needed to account for the moisture and richness of the avocado.

What are the benefits of using Greek yogurt as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

Greek yogurt is a creamy and healthy substitute for vegetable oil in brownies. It adds moisture and protein to the brownies.

How do you use Greek yogurt as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

To use Greek yogurt as a substitute, replace the vegetable oil with an equal amount of Greek yogurt. You may need to adjust the recipe slightly to achieve the desired consistency.

What are the benefits of using coconut oil as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

Coconut oil is a popular choice for baking, including brownies. It adds a subtle tropical flavor and can make the brownies moist and tender.

How do you use coconut oil as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

To use coconut oil as a substitute, melt it and use it in the same quantity as the vegetable oil called for in the recipe. Keep in mind that coconut oil solidifies at cooler temperatures, so the texture of the brownies may be slightly different.

What are the benefits of using olive oil as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

Olive oil is a versatile and heart-healthy substitute for vegetable oil in brownies. It adds a subtle fruity flavor and can result in moist and flavorful brownies.

How do you use olive oil as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

To use olive oil as a substitute, use it in the same quantity as the vegetable oil called for in the recipe. Opt for extra virgin olive oil for the best flavor.

What are the benefits of using canola oil as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

Canola oil is a popular choice for baking, and it can be used as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies. It has a neutral flavor and can make the brownies moist and tender.

How do you use canola oil as an alternative to vegetable oil in brownies?

To use canola oil as a substitute, use it in the same quantity as the vegetable oil called for in the recipe. Canola oil is a versatile option that can work well in most brownie recipes.

Are there any other cooking oils that can be used as alternatives to vegetable oil in brownies?

Yes, apart from the oils mentioned earlier, there are many other cooking oils that can be used as substitutes for vegetable oil in brownie recipes. Some options include sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, and walnut oil. Each oil has its own unique flavor and characteristics, so feel free to experiment and find the one that suits your taste.

What are some tips for using oil substitutes in brownie recipes?

When using oil substitutes in brownie recipes, consider the flavor and texture you want to achieve. Some substitutes may add richness and moisture, while others may offer a lighter or slightly different taste. It’s also important to measure the substitutes accurately and make any necessary adjustments to the recipe to account for the differences in consistency and moisture content.

Can you share healthy and rich brownie recipes using oil substitutes?

Absolutely! In the next section, we will share a variety of delicious and healthier brownie recipes that use oil substitutes. These recipes showcase the versatility of the alternatives and how they can contribute to the overall flavor and texture of your brownies.

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