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what can i use instead of eggs in brownies

Do you love brownies but are unable to enjoy them due to dietary restrictions or allergies? Perhaps you ran out of eggs while baking and don’t want to make a trip to the store. Well, fret not! There are plenty of easy and delicious alternatives to eggs that you can use in your brownie recipes. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best substitutes that you can use to create mouth-watering egg-free brownies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eggs can be substituted with a variety of ingredients in brownie recipes.
  • Mashed bananas, unsweetened applesauce, yogurt, sour cream, silken tofu, carbonated water, and commercial egg replacers are among the most common egg substitutes.
  • Using an egg substitute can accommodate personal preferences, dietary restrictions, and allergies.
  • Each egg substitute has its unique properties and can result in different textures and flavors in your brownies.
  • Experimenting with different egg substitutes can lead to new and exciting flavor combinations in your baking.

Why Look for Egg Substitutes in Brownies?

When it comes to baking brownies, eggs are a popular ingredient that provides moisture, structure, and binding properties to the batter. However, not everyone can consume eggs due to dietary restrictions, allergies, or personal preferences. This is where egg substitutes come in handy. Using egg substitutes in brownies can help achieve the desired texture and flavor without compromising on taste.

There are numerous reasons why someone would look for egg substitutes in their brownies. For instance, if you are following a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, eggs are not an option. Additionally, some people may have allergies to eggs or simply run out of them while baking. In such cases, egg substitutes can be a useful solution to create scrumptious egg-free brownies.

Why Use Egg Substitutes in Brownies?

There are several advantages to using egg substitutes in your brownie recipes. First, it allows people with egg allergies or intolerances to enjoy baked goods without experiencing any adverse reactions. Second, using egg substitutes can also contribute to a healthier diet as they are often lower in calories and cholesterol than eggs. Lastly, egg substitutes can help achieve specific textures or flavors in brownies, such as fudgy, cakey, or gooey.

Now that we have established why someone would look for egg substitutes in brownies, let’s explore some of the most common substitutes available.

Common Egg Substitutes in Brownies

When it comes to baking brownies, eggs play a crucial role in binding the ingredients and providing moisture. However, there are plenty of egg substitutes that can achieve similar results, making it possible to create delicious brownies without eggs. Here are some of the most common egg substitutes used in brownie recipes:

Egg Substitute Measurement
Unsweetened Applesauce ¼ cup per egg
Mashed Bananas ½ mashed banana per egg
Yogurt or Sour Cream ¼ cup per egg
Silken Tofu ¼ cup blended per egg
Carbonated Water ¼ cup per egg

Each of these alternatives can provide the necessary binding and moisture properties required for a delicious brownie. For a more convenient option, there are also commercial egg replacers available in the market that are specifically designed for baking. These products are an excellent choice for those who regularly need to substitute eggs in their recipes.

Now that you know about these common egg substitutes, you can confidently experiment with egg-free brownies and develop recipes that suit your preferences and dietary needs. Happy baking!

Unsweetened Applesauce

Unsweetened applesauce is a popular egg substitute in baking. It adds moisture to the brownie batter and can help create a fudgy texture. Replace each egg with ¼ cup of applesauce for best results.

Mashed Bananas as an Egg Substitute

Mashed bananas are a fantastic egg substitute in brownies. They add moisture and a subtle sweetness to the batter, resulting in a deliciously moist and flavorful brownie. To replace one egg, use half a mashed banana.

When using mashed bananas as an egg substitute, be aware that they may affect the final texture of your brownies. Bananas can make the brownies a little denser and more cake-like, depending on the recipe and cooking time. However, this can be a benefit if you prefer a denser, chewier brownie.

If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to eggs, mashed bananas are an excellent choice. They’re high in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, making them a nutritious addition to your brownies. Plus, mashed bananas are a great way to use up ripe bananas that might otherwise go to waste.

Yogurt or Sour Cream

If you’re looking for an egg substitute that adds a tangy twist to your brownies, yogurt or sour cream is a great option. Both of these dairy products provide moisture to the batter and can help create a tender texture.

To use yogurt or sour cream as an egg substitute, simply replace each egg with ¼ cup of either ingredient. Keep in mind that using sour cream may result in a slightly denser texture than yogurt.

For a fun variation, try using flavored yogurt or sour cream, such as vanilla or lemon. This can add an extra layer of flavor to your brownies and make them truly stand out.

Silken Tofu as an Egg Substitute in Brownies

If you’re looking for a vegan-friendly egg substitute in your brownie recipe, silken tofu is a great option. This versatile ingredient can provide the necessary binding properties and helps create a moist and fluffy texture in your brownies.

To use silken tofu as an egg substitute, blend ¼ cup of tofu per egg until smooth and creamy. Add the blended tofu to your brownie batter, and mix well with the other ingredients.

Silken tofu can also add a subtle flavor to your brownies, making them even more delicious. Plus, it’s a healthy alternative to eggs, as it’s low in calories and high in protein.

So, if you want to make your brownies vegan or have an egg allergy, consider using silken tofu as an egg substitute. Your brownies will be just as tasty, and you’ll feel good about using a nutritious and cruelty-free ingredient.

Carbonated Water as an Egg Substitute

Did you know that carbonated water can be a fantastic egg substitute in brownies? Although it may seem like an unusual choice, carbonated water can help create a light and fluffy texture in baked goods.

To use carbonated water as an egg substitute, simply replace each egg in your recipe with ¼ cup of carbonated water. The carbon dioxide bubbles in the water act as a leavening agent, helping the brownies rise and become tender.

If you’re using carbonated water as an egg substitute, be sure to reduce the amount of other liquids in your recipe slightly to compensate for the added volume. You may also want to adjust your baking time slightly since brownies made with carbonated water may bake slightly faster than those made with eggs.

So next time you’re out of eggs or looking for an egg-free option, give carbonated water a try. It may just become your new go-to egg substitute in brownies.

Commercial Egg Replacers

If you prefer a store-bought solution for your egg-free brownies, consider trying commercial egg replacers. These products are designed specifically to mimic the properties of eggs in baking and provide a reliable and consistent substitute for eggs.

Commercial egg replacers are generally made from a combination of starches, leavening agents, and binding agents. They come in various forms, including powders, liquid concentrates, and pre-mixed products.

When using commercial egg replacers, follow the package instructions to determine the appropriate substitution ratio for your brownie recipe. Generally, you can replace each egg with about 1 tablespoon of commercial egg replacer powder or ¼ cup of a pre-mixed egg replacer product. However, be sure to double-check the instructions before proceeding.

Some popular brands of commercial egg replacers include Ener-G, Bob’s Red Mill, and Orgran. These products are widely available in grocery stores as well as online.


Now that you know the various substitutes for eggs in brownies, you can confidently bake delicious treats without the need for eggs. Whether you opt for unsweetened applesauce, mashed bananas, yogurt, sour cream, silken tofu, carbonated water, or commercial egg replacers, you have several options to suit your preferences and dietary needs.

By using these egg substitutes, you can make scrumptious brownies that are just as delightful as traditional recipes. So, get creative in the kitchen and try out different egg-free variations to find your perfect recipe.

Remember to use high-quality ingredients and follow the recipe instructions carefully for the best results. With these alternatives, you can indulge in delicious brownies without worrying about dietary restrictions or allergies.

Now that you have learned about the egg substitutes for brownies, go ahead and make your own unique batch of delicious brownies without eggs.

Happy Baking!


Q: What can I use instead of eggs in brownies?

A: There are several alternatives to eggs that you can use in brownies. Some common substitutes include unsweetened applesauce, mashed bananas, yogurt or sour cream, silken tofu, carbonated water, or commercial egg replacers. These substitutes provide similar moisture, binding, and leavening properties as eggs.

Q: Why would someone look for egg substitutes in brownies?

A: People may look for egg substitutes in brownies for various reasons, including vegan or vegetarian lifestyles, allergies, dietary restrictions, or personal preference. Using egg substitutes allows individuals to enjoy delicious and egg-free brownies.

Q: What are the common egg substitutes used in brownies?

A: Some common egg substitutes used in brownies include unsweetened applesauce, mashed bananas, yogurt or sour cream, silken tofu, carbonated water, or commercial egg replacers. These alternatives can provide similar moisture, binding, and leavening properties as eggs.

Q: How can I use unsweetened applesauce as an egg substitute in brownies?

A: To use unsweetened applesauce as an egg substitute in brownies, replace each egg with ¼ cup of applesauce. This will add moisture to the brownie batter and help create a fudgy texture.

Q: How can mashed bananas be used as an egg substitute in brownies?

A: To use mashed bananas as an egg substitute in brownies, use ½ a mashed banana in place of each egg in your recipe. Mashed bananas add moisture and a subtle sweetness to the brownies.

Q: Can yogurt or sour cream be used as egg substitutes in brownies?

A: Yes, both yogurt and sour cream can be used as egg substitutes in brownies. Substitute each egg with ¼ cup of yogurt or sour cream to add moisture and tanginess to your brownie recipe.

Q: How can silken tofu be used as an egg substitute in brownies?

A: Silken tofu can be used as an egg substitute in brownies by replacing each egg with ¼ cup of blended silken tofu. The creamy texture of silken tofu helps bind the ingredients together and creates a moist and fluffy brownie.

Q: Is carbonated water a suitable egg substitute in brownies?

A: Yes, carbonated water can be used as an egg substitute in brownies. Use ¼ cup of carbonated water per egg in your recipe to achieve a light and airy texture in your brownies.

Q: Are there commercial egg replacers available for brownie recipes?

A: Yes, there are various commercial egg replacers available in the market specifically designed to mimic the properties of eggs in baking. Follow the package instructions to determine the appropriate substitution ratio for your brownie recipe.

Q: Can I still make delicious brownies without using eggs?

A: Absolutely! With the alternatives mentioned above, you can confidently bake delicious brownies without the need for eggs. Whether you choose unsweetened applesauce, mashed bananas, yogurt or sour cream, silken tofu, carbonated water, or commercial egg replacers, you have plenty of options to suit your preferences and dietary needs. Get creative in the kitchen and enjoy your scrumptious egg-free brownies today!

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