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Brownies are a delectable treat enjoyed by many. However, traditional brownie recipes often call for large amounts of oil, which can increase the calorie and fat content of this indulgent dessert. The good news is that there are numerous healthier alternatives to oil that can be used in brownies, without sacrificing taste or texture.

In this section, we will explore various substitutes that can be used in place of oil in brownies. From avocado to applesauce, we will introduce you to a range of options that can provide the moistness and richness of conventional oil, while reducing the overall fat content.

what can i use instead of oil in brownies

Key Takeaways

  • Using healthier substitutes in brownie recipes can reduce the fat content while maintaining taste and texture.
  • Avocado, applesauce, and Greek yogurt are just a few of the many substitutes for oil in brownie recipes.
  • There are options for oil-free brownies that still deliver a delicious and indulgent treat.
  • Experimenting with substitutes can transform your brownies while satisfying your sweet tooth.

Healthier Alternatives to Oil in Brownies

Are you searching for ways to cut down on oil in your brownie recipes without sacrificing flavor and texture? Here are some healthier alternatives to consider:

Oil Alternatives Benefits
Applesauce Low in calories and fat, provides natural sweetness and moisture to brownies.
Mashed Bananas Rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamins, can replace oil to add natural sweetness to brownies.
Greek Yogurt High in protein, low in fat, adds moisture and creaminess to brownies.
Pumpkin Puree Low in calories and fat, high in fiber, adds natural sweetness and a unique flavor to brownies.

These substitutes can be used in a 1:1 ratio with oil, ensuring your brownies still come out moist and delicious. Experiment with different alternatives to find your favorite combination of taste and texture.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to consider when swapping out oil in your brownie recipes:

  • Choose unsweetened applesauce and pumpkin puree to avoid adding excess sugar.
  • Use ripe bananas for maximum sweetness and ease of mashing.
  • Use Greek yogurt with a higher fat content for a creamier texture.

By using these healthier alternatives, you can enjoy your favorite brownies without the guilt of excess fat. Give them a try and taste the difference!

Substitutes for Oil in Brownies

If you want to make brownies but don’t want to use oil, there are many alternatives to choose from. Here are some substitutes for oil in brownie recipes:

Substitute Ratio
Greek Yogurt 1:1 (replace oil with equal amount of yogurt)
Applesauce 1:1 (replace oil with equal amount of applesauce)
Pumpkin Puree 1:1 (replace oil with equal amount of pumpkin puree)
Mashed Avocado 1:1 (replace oil with equal amount of mashed avocado)

Using any of these substitutes can provide the same moisture and texture as using oil, while reducing the overall fat content of your brownies.

Pro Tip: When substituting oil with a non-oil alternative, it’s important to adjust the baking time accordingly. Baking time may be shorter with these alternatives, so keep an eye on your brownies in the oven.

If you don’t have any of these substitutes on hand, you can also use melted butter or coconut oil as a replacement for oil in your brownie recipes.

Bonus Tip:

“If you’re looking for an oil substitute that will add a unique flavor to your brownies, try using nut butters like almond or peanut butter. These butters can provide a distinct nuttiness to your brownies while also providing moisture and richness.”

Experiment with different substitutes to find the perfect alternative for your brownie recipe. With so many options available, you may find yourself preferring non-oil options in the future.

Oil Alternatives for Brownie Recipes

Brownies are the ultimate comfort food, but using traditional oil can add unnecessary calories and fat. Luckily, there are plenty of oil alternatives that can still deliver a delicious and indulgent treat. In this section, we will discuss a variety of ingredients that can be used to replace oil in your brownie recipes.


Bananas are a great oil substitute and can add natural sweetness and moisture to your brownies. Mash a ripe banana and use it in place of oil with a 1:1 ratio. This swap will not only reduce the fat in your brownies but also add potassium, fiber, and vitamins.


Using unsweetened applesauce as an oil substitute is a popular choice for healthier baking. Replace the oil with applesauce in equal amounts, and your brownies will still have the desired texture and moisture. This swap will reduce the overall fat and calorie content of your brownies while adding natural sweetness.


Avocado is a great source of healthy fats and can also be used as an oil substitute in brownie recipes. Mash the avocado and use it in place of oil with a 1:1 ratio. The avocado will add creaminess and richness to your brownies while reducing the excess oil in the recipe.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a protein-packed and tangy substitute that can be used in place of oil in your brownies. Mix together equal parts of Greek yogurt and oil, and use it as the oil substitute in your brownie recipe. This swap will reduce the overall fat content of your brownies while adding a tangy flavor and moisture.

Coconut Oil

If you’re looking for an oil substitute with more health benefits, coconut oil is a great choice. Replace the oil with melted coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio for a rich and tropical flavor. Coconut oil is higher in healthy fats than traditional oil and can also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Oil Substitute Benefits
Bananas Natural sweetness and moisture, source of potassium, fiber, and vitamins.
Applesauce Natural sweetness and moisture, lower in fat and calories.
Avocado Creaminess and richness, source of healthy fats.
Greek Yogurt Protein-packed, tangy flavor and moisture, lower in fat.
Coconut Oil Rich and tropical flavor, higher in healthy fats, can have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Using oil alternatives in your brownie recipes can provide a variety of benefits, including reducing fat and calorie content, adding natural sweetness and moisture, and incorporating healthy fats and vitamins. Experiment with different substitutes and find the perfect balance of indulgence and nutrition for your next batch of brownies.

Oil Substitutes in Baking Brownies

If you’re looking for healthier options or simply want to try something new, using substitutes for oil in baking brownies is a great place to start. Not only can these alternatives reduce the overall fat content of your brownies, but they can also add unique flavors and textures to your favorite treat.

Here are some of the best oil substitutes for baking brownies:

Substitute Amount Benefits
Applesauce 1/2 to 1 cup Moist texture and a slightly sweet flavor
Avocado 1/2 cup Creamy texture and healthy fats
Greek Yogurt 1/2 cup Thick and moist texture with added protein
Pumpkin Puree 1/2 to 1 cup Nutritious and moist texture with a subtle pumpkin flavor

Each substitute can be used in equal amounts to replace oil in your brownie recipe. Keep in mind that these alternatives may alter the taste and texture of your brownies slightly, so it’s best to experiment with smaller batches before making a full recipe.

Additionally, some oil substitutes may work better with certain recipes than others. For example, avocado may not be the best substitute in a recipe that already includes nuts or chocolate chips. Greek yogurt may be a better option in this case due to its mild flavor.

Overall, using oil substitutes in baking brownies is a great way to try something new while also reducing the fat content in your favorite treat. Experiment with different substitutes to find the perfect one for your taste and recipe preferences.

what can i use instead of oil in brownies

Healthy Substitutes for Oil in Brownies

When it comes to baking brownies, oil is a common ingredient used to achieve the desired texture and moistness. However, if you’re looking for a healthier alternative, there are a variety of substitutes that can be used in place of oil.

One substitute for oil in brownies is unsweetened applesauce. Applesauce can provide the same moisture and texture as oil, but with fewer calories and less fat. When using applesauce as a substitute, use an equal amount of applesauce as you would oil.

Bananas are another healthy substitute for oil in brownies. Mashed ripe bananas can provide a natural sweetness and moisture to your brownies, while also adding vitamins and minerals. Use one mashed banana for every half cup of oil in your recipe.

Greek yogurt is also a great option when looking for a healthy substitute for oil in brownie recipes. It can provide the same moistness and texture as oil, but with added protein and less fat. Use an equal amount of Greek yogurt as you would oil when substituting.

Comparison Table:

Oil Substitute Notes
Vegetable oil Unsweetened applesauce Equal amounts
Canola oil Mashed ripe bananas 1 mashed banana for every 1/2 cup of oil
Coconut oil Greek yogurt Equal amounts

Other healthy substitutes for oil in brownies include avocado, nut butters, and pureed prunes. These alternatives can provide unique flavors and added nutrients to your brownie recipes, making them a delicious and healthy treat.

When experimenting with substitutes for oil in brownies, it’s important to remember that the texture and taste may vary slightly from the original recipe. However, with a little bit of trial and error, you can find the perfect substitute that meets your taste and health goals.

Cooking Oil Replacements for Brownies

If you’re looking to replace cooking oil in your brownie recipes, there are several alternatives available. Not only can these substitutes make your brownies healthier, but they can also add unique flavors and textures to your baked goods. Here are some options to consider:


Using applesauce as a substitute for cooking oil can add a natural sweetness to your brownies. This swap also reduces the overall fat content and provides a moist texture. Use an equal amount of unsweetened applesauce in place of oil in your recipe.


If you’re not looking to eliminate fat entirely, using butter as a substitute for cooking oil can add richness and flavor to your brownies. Be sure to use unsalted butter and replace an equal amount of oil with butter in your recipe.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a healthy and protein-packed alternative to cooking oil in brownies. It provides a creamy texture and can also add tanginess to your recipe. Replace an equal amount of oil with plain Greek yogurt in your brownie recipe.

Oil Replacement Amount to Use Benefits
Applesauce Equal amount as oil Natural sweetness and moist texture
Butter Equal amount as oil Richness and flavor
Greek Yogurt Equal amount as oil Creamy texture and tanginess


Avocado provides healthy fats and can add a creamy texture to your brownies. It’s also a great option for those looking to make their brownies vegan. Replace half the amount of oil in your recipe with mashed avocado.


Bananas can add natural sweetness and moisture to your brownies. Use mashed ripe bananas as a substitute for oil and adjust the amount depending on the texture of your recipe. For example, try using ½ cup of mashed banana for 1 cup of oil.

Experimenting with these substitutes can transform your brownies while still satisfying your sweet tooth. Don’t be afraid to try different combinations and amounts to find what works best for you. Happy baking!

Oil-Free Brownie Options

For those looking to create healthier brownie recipes, eliminating oil altogether is a great option. While traditional brownie recipes often call for a significant amount of oil, there are a variety of substitutes that can be used in its place to achieve the same delicious results.

A popular oil substitute for brownies is applesauce. This ingredient can be used in a one-to-one ratio to replace oil and add moisture to the brownies. Additionally, using Greek yogurt in place of oil can result in a fudgier, denser brownie.

Another oil-free option is to use mashed bananas or avocado. These ingredients not only add moisture but also provide natural sweetness and healthy fats to the recipe.

For a unique twist on oil-free brownies, consider using black beans as an ingredient. Pureed black beans can add a rich texture and boost the protein and fiber content of the brownies.

Oil-Free Brownie Options Benefits
Applesauce Low in fat and calories, adds moisture
Greek Yogurt Provides fudgier texture, high in protein
Mashed Bananas or Avocado Naturally sweet, adds healthy fats and moisture
Pureed Black Beans Rich texture, high in protein and fiber

With so many oil-free brownie options available, it’s easy to find a substitute that not only reduces the fat content but also adds nutritional benefits and unique flavors. Experiment with these alternatives to find your favorite oil-free brownie recipe.

Alternatives to Vegetable Oil in Brownies

If you’re looking for alternatives to vegetable oil in your brownie recipes, there are many substitutes available that can add unique flavors and textures to your treats. Here are some options to consider:

Substitute Benefits
Applesauce Provides a natural sweetness and moisture, and is low-fat.
Avocado Rich in healthy fats and adds a creamy texture.
Butter Increases richness and depth of flavor.
Coconut oil Imparts a subtle coconut flavor and adds a moist texture.
Greek yogurt Offers a tangy taste and adds protein and calcium to the recipe.
Mashed bananas Naturally sweet and provides a moist texture.
Pumpkin puree Offers a natural sweetness and moistness, plus added nutrients like Vitamin A.

Experimenting with these substitutions can lead to delicious and healthy brownies that are free from vegetable oil. Try out different options and see which ones work best with your recipe.

Note: Be aware that some substitutes may alter the taste and texture of your brownies, so it’s best to start with small amounts and adjust accordingly.

what can i use instead of oil in brownies

By using these alternatives, you can reduce the amount of vegetable oil in your brownies and make them healthier without sacrificing taste.


In conclusion, there are numerous non-oil options available that can be used for baking brownies. By using these substitutes, you can make your brownies healthier, oil-free, or experiment with unique flavors.

Healthier Alternatives

For a healthier option, consider using applesauce or mashed bananas in place of oil. These substitutes will add natural sweetness to your brownies while keeping them moist.

Oil-Free Alternatives

If you want to create oil-free brownies, try using mashed avocado or Greek yogurt to add richness and texture. These non-oil options can give your brownies a fudgy and decadent flavor.

Unique Flavors

For a unique twist to your brownie recipes, try using nut butter, such as almond or peanut butter, as a substitute for oil. These substitutes can add a nutty flavor to your brownies, making them even more delicious.

In summary, there are many non-oil options for baking brownies. These alternatives can help you create the perfect brownies that are both healthy and tasty. So, go ahead, experiment, and enjoy the process of baking without the excess oil.


What can I use instead of oil in brownies?

There are several healthier alternatives to traditional oil in brownie recipes. Some options include applesauce, mashed bananas, Greek yogurt, or melted butter.

What are some healthier alternatives to oil in brownies?

If you’re looking for healthier options, you can try using unsweetened applesauce, pureed pumpkin, or avocado as substitutes for oil in your brownie recipes.

Are there any substitutes for oil in brownies?

Yes, there are various substitutes you can use in place of oil in your brownie recipes. Some alternatives include melted coconut oil, nut butter, or even mayonnaise.

What are some oil alternatives for brownie recipes?

If you want to try something different, you can use ingredients like melted chocolate, mashed sweet potatoes, or even brewed coffee as oil alternatives in your brownie recipes.

Can you suggest any oil substitutes specifically for baking brownies?

Certainly! Some great oil substitutes for baking brownies include melted margarine, melted shortening, or even melted dark chocolate for a rich and decadent flavor.

Are there any healthy substitutes for oil in brownies?

Absolutely! You can opt for healthier substitutes like coconut oil, almond butter, or even mashed black beans to add a nutritious twist to your brownie recipes.

What are some cooking oil replacements for brownies?

If you’re looking to replace cooking oil, you can use options like melted butter, vegetable shortening, or even applesauce to achieve the desired texture and taste in your brownies.

Can I make oil-free brownies?

Yes, you can make oil-free brownies! Try using ingredients like mashed bananas, pureed prunes, or non-dairy yogurt as oil-free alternatives in your brownie recipes.

What are some alternatives to vegetable oil in brownies?

If you prefer to avoid vegetable oil, you can use alternatives like melted coconut oil, olive oil, or melted margarine in your brownie recipes to achieve a different flavor profile.

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